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Benzalkonium chloride


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Benzalkonium Chloride

Benzalkonium chloride has numerous properties and applications, along with unique characteristics, including the following:

The compound benzalkonium chloride readily dissolves in ethanol and acetone.
Its solubility in water is slow, and aqueous solutions must be neutral to slightly alkaline for proper dissolution.
Concentrated solutions of this substance have a bitter taste similar to almonds and a mild odor.
Standard concentrations are produced as 50% and 80% weight/volume solutions and are marketed under trade names such as BC50, BC80, BAC50, BAC80, etc.
This chemical readily dissolves in ethanol and acetone, hence it finds extensive use in medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Benzalkonium chloride solution tends to foam when agitated.
Its aqueous solution is neutral to slightly alkaline.

Applications of Benzalkonium Chloride:

This compound, owing to its versatile properties, finds numerous applications in various industries, including:

1. Pharmaceutical Industry:

Benzalkonium chloride type BAC50 is used as a preservative in the production of ophthalmic, nasal, and sensory medications, as well as in optimizing sensitivity and strength in formulations. Additionally, this disinfectant is used in burn creams, wound treatments, and sprays such as Bactine, throat lozenges, and mouthwashes.

2. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products:

Benzalkonium chloride serves as a bactericidal agent in cleansing and disinfecting soaps, replacing triclosan, the toxicity and hazards of which upon skin absorption are well known. Its antibacterial property is also recognized in a wide range of skin disinfectants and moist towelettes, as well as in personal care products such as hand sanitizers and various cosmetic products.

3. Water and Wastewater Treatment using Benzalkonium Chloride:

This compound is extensively used in formulations related to water and wastewater treatment, especially in combating harmful algae in swimming pools and water purification.

4. Aquaculture:

Benzalkonium chloride BAC is used for water purification in aquaculture ponds to eliminate fish parasites, disinfect water, and prevent infectious diseases in fish and shellfish.

5. Wood Protection:

Since BAC possesses high antifungal and anti-algal properties and is effective alongside other compounds in formulations, it is used as a suitable alternative to chlorine-containing biocides for environmental wood protection.

6. Paper and Pulp Industry:

Benzalkonium chloride is used as a general microbiocide for controlling slimes and odor management in paper mill factories. It is also employed to enhance the quality of paper towels and provides strength and anti-static properties to paper products.

7. Textile Industry:

Benzalkonium chloride is utilized as a protector of natural fibers against algae and fungi and as an insect repellent. Additionally, it is recognized as a fixative in acrylic fiber dyeing with cationic dyes.

8. Leather Industry:

This substance is used for softening, moisturizing, dyeing leather, and as an anti-algal and anti-mold agent.

9. Household and Gardening:

Benzalkonium chloride is an effective disinfectant and fungicide against mold, mildew, fungi, and algae. Therefore, it is used for cleaning various surfaces in homes, greenhouses, and gardens, as well as in paths and wooden platforms.

10. Chemicals:

Quaternary ammonium compounds, due to their ability to accumulate in oil/water, air/water, emulsifier/demulsifier systems, etc., find extensive application in the chemical industry as deposition agents and phase transfer catalysts.

11. Use of Benzalkonium Chloride in Polymer Coatings Industry:

Quaternary ammonium compounds are widely used in the coatings industry as antistatic agents, emulsifiers, and preservatives.

Download MSDS : Benzalkonium chloride 50

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